Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hello everybody!

After a lot of time and research (about 48 hours to be exact) I have finally completed my biology final!!! I really hope you enjoy it and learn as much as I did. Throughout my research, I used several Internet sources as well as the book "Modern Biology". Below is a complete book source.
Postlethwait, John H and Janet L, Hopson "Modern Biology" Orlando, Austin, New York, San Diego, Toronto, London; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2006.
Enjoy and please leave a comment!

#1 Water

Water is a well known polar molecule. So what exactly is a polar molecule? A polar molecule is a molecule that has a different charge in the chemical bonds. i.e. one part of the molecule would have a positive charge while the other would have a negative charge. Water contains one oxygen molecule which has a negative charge and two hydrogen molecules which have a positive charge. Above is a sketch of a water molecule.

#2 Phospholipid Bilayer

The phospholipid bilayer is made up or two layers of phospholipids. Phospholipids are made of two fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule. The biomolecule that is found in the phosopholipid bilayer is lipids' an organic molecule that cannot dissolve in water. Three types of lipids are neutral rats, phospholipids and cholesterol. Above is the structure of the phospholipid bilayer, chemical formula of a lipid, and bacon which contains a lot of lipids.
Pg 59 Modern Biology

#3 Phospholipid Bilayer

The above picture is the structure of the phospholipid bilayer.
1. Hydrophili "head"
2. Phospholipids
3. Hydrophilic "tail"
4. Phospholipids
Source: Pg 59 Modern Biology

#4 Sugar

Sugar is found in the central vacuole of plants an it is made by photosynthesis. Sugars chemical formula is C12H22O11. Photosynthesis happens in the chloroplats when energy is absorbed from the sunlight and converted into chemical energy.
This energy is stored temporarily as ATP and NADPH. Next, carbon dioxide and the chemical energy forms organic compunds. The chemical equation for photosynthesis is 6CO2+6H2O light energy C6H12O6+6O2
Source: Pg 114 Modern Biology

#5 Amino Acids

Amino Acids are monomers. Proteins form from the linkage of monomers. There are 20 different types of amino acids. Milk is an example of one. The above figures show milk and the structure of an amino acid

#6 Chloroplast

Photosynthesis begins with the absorption of light in the chloroplasts, an organelle found in cells of plants and algae. The light energy comes fro the sun.
Source: Pg 113 and 114 Modern Biology

#7 Matter

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter creates atoms and atoms create elements.
Fluorine contains only one atom.
Atomic #-2
Atomic mass- 19.00
Protons- 2
Neutrons- 17
Electrons- 2
Pg 31 Modern Biology

#8 Yeast

Yeast uses alcoholic fermentation in order to convert pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol. This happens after glycolysis and glycolysis is an anaerobic process because it does not require oxygen. Yeast is also used in bread making.
Source: Pg 135 Modern Biology

#9 Periodic table

Alkali metals- They are the most reactive group. When added to water, hydrogen in water is released as a gas and a strong base is formed.
Alkaline earth metals- they become increasingly soluble with a decrease in temperature. This is usually only true in gases.
Carbon family- carbon is the basis of life. It is found in all living material and is an element that is abundant in earths crust.
Transition metals and are earths often acts as catalysts in a reaction.

#10 Chlorophyll

All green plants contain chlorophyll. The 2 main types of chlorophyll are chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. The allow green light to be reflected or transmitted. This is why plants with a lot of chlorophyll are green. Chlorophyll A is involved in the light reactions of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll b assist chlorophyll a in capturing light energy.
Source: Pg 115 Modern Biology

#11 Aerobic Respiration

Ferns carry out aerobic respiration because they have chloroplasts. Thy use both respiration and photosynthesis. The steps of aerobic respiration are the following.
First is the Krebs Cycle;
1. two carbon molecules combine with oxaloacetic acid(four-carbon compound) and they make a six-carbon compound known as citric acid. This regenerates co enzyme A.
2.CO2 is released by citric acid and a hydrogen atom. A hydrogen atom forms a five-carbon compound. Citric acid is oxidized and the hydrogen electron reduces NAD+ to NADH.
3. The five-carbon compound releases 1 CO2 and hydrogen atom. Now, a four-carbon compound is produced. NAD+ is released to NADH. ADP becomes ATP.
4.The four carbon compound releases a hydrogen atom to form another four carbon compound. FAD is reduced to FADH2.
5. The four-carbon compound release a hydrogen atom to regenerate oxaloacetic acid which keeps the Krebs cycle going. 10 NADH molecules and two FADH2 molecules that are produced drive the next stage of aerobic respiration. The next stage is Electron Transport chain.
1. NADH and FADH2 give the electron transport chain electrons.
2. Electrons are passed down the chain and they move from molecule to molecule, loosing energy.
3. Lost energy pumps protons and builds a high concentration gradient.
4. This drives the synthesis of ATP. ATP synthase molecules are embedded in the inner membrane and Protons move along the chain and ATP is made from ADP and phosphate.
5. Oxygen accepts electrons and some protons. The protons, electrons and oxygen combine and form water.
Source: PG 139, 156 and 140 Modern Biology

#12 Mitosis

The homologous chromosomes are lined up along the middle of the cell in metaphase.
Source: Lab Book

#13 Meiosis

Meiosis produces gametes which are female egg cells or male sperm cells. Meiosis and mitosis are similar in that they have the G-1 phase, S-phase, G-2 phase and they make duplicate cells. Also, DNA coils tightly into chromosomes during prophase. They differ in that meiosis occurs two times before the process is done and meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes in a cell. Mitosis makes one identical copy. Meiosis has snyapsis which is where each homologous pair of chromosome in meiosis in a tetrad.
Source:Pg 162, 163 and 156

#14 Baking Soda

The chemical formula for baking soda is NaHCO3 which is sodium, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.

#15 Enzyme

An enzyme is a protein molecule. Milk is an enzyme because it contains lysine, one of the twenty different types of amino acids.

#16 Double Helix

A double helix contains nitrogenous bases that are held together by hydrogen bonds. The bases are held together by two to three bonds.
Source: Pg 197 Modern Biology

#17 Plant life cycle

All plants have a life cycle. The first phase consist of a diploid sporophyte plant that produces spores. The second phase consists of a haploid gametophyte plant that produces sperm and egg. On moss, there are thousands of gametophytes attached to the soil by rhizoids which are like roots. The sporophyte grows up from the top of the gametophyte.
Source: Pg 567 and 565 Modern Biology

#18 Plant without roots

Moss does not have roots. They are attached to the ground by rhizoids.

#19 Hypotonic solution

A sulution where water would diffuse into a plant cell is a hypotonic solution because if the concentration of molecules outside the cell are lower than the concentration of molecules in the cell, water will diffuse into the cell until equilibrium is established. Above is a hypotonic cell.
Source: Pg 98 Modern Biology

#22 Hypertonic Solution

A solution in which water would diffuse into a plant cell would be a hypertonic solution because when the concentration of solute molecules outside a cell is higher than inside the cell, water diffuses out of the cell until equilibrium is reached. Above is a cell that is hypertonic to its environment
Source: Pg 100 Modern Biology

#21 Plant like Protists

Protists are single celled organisms. Algae is a plant-like protists. Plant-like protists are autotrophic. They have chloroplast and produce their own carbohydrates through photosynthesis.
Source: Pg 510 Modern Biology

#22 Animal Protist

Animal-like protists are protozoa. Protozoa are protists that move without cilia or flagella. An animal-like protists obtains food in an animal like way however, animals and animal-like protists are not closely related.
Source: Pg 506 Modern Biology

#23 Reproductive parts of a plant

Source: Pg 614 and 615 Modern Biology

#24 Gymnosperm

Gymnosperm- seed plants that produce seeds that are not enclosed in fruits.
Common name- conifers
Epithet- coniferophyta
A pine tree is a gymnosperm
Source Pg 565 Modern Biology

#25 Angiosperm

Angiosperm- seed plant that produces seeds within a protective fruit
Common name- flowering plants
Epithet- Anthophyta
An apple tree is a angiosperm
Source: Pg 565 Modern Biology

#26 Bryophyte

Bryophyte- three phyla of non vascular plants
Example- liverworts which is a plant that grows in moist, shady areas.
Common name- moss
Epithet Bryphyta
The picture shows moss
Source: Pg 567, 568, 569 Modern biology

#27 A fern

Common Name- Fern
Epithet- Pteridophyta
Source: Pg 654 Modern Biology

#28 Hypotonic Solution

A hypotonic solution is where the solute outside the cell is lower than in the cytosol. Hypotonic is the solute outside the cell. In the image above, the purple cell has more solute in it than the solution outside the cell.
Source Pg 107 Modern Biology

#29 Amniotic

My cat is amniotic because as a fetus she developed in an amniotic sack. The amniotic sack is important because it protects and cushions the embryo.
Source: Pg 1058

#30 Fungus

A mushroom is a fungus. Two structures are the annulus(ring) and the stape(stem)

#31 Energy Transformation

Photosynthesis is the transformation of energy from the sun to oxygen. Light from the sun is absorbed in the chloroplast, the organelle where this transformation takes place in a plant and the plant converts the energy to chemical energy. An organism gets energy from eating the plant.
Source: Pg 113 Modern Biology

#32 Double Helix

The double helix was produced by Watson and Crick. There are two types of bonds in a double helix. They are hydrogen and covalent bonds. The molecules present are adenine, cytosine, thymine and guanine.
Source: Pg 113 Modern Biology

#33 Cell that can undergo protein synthesis

In the diagram the instruction for building protein is in the DNA. Transcription transfers the information from DNA to an RNA molecule on how to make protein. The RNA moves to the cytoplasm where protein is made in translation.
Source: Pg 204 Modern Biology

#34 Archaeabacteria

Archaea bacteria may be found in Yellowstone hot springs. That is the first place they were discovered. Archaea live in extreme environments such as deep in the ocean. The picture above is extracting fluid which often contains archaea.
Source: Pg 462 Modern Biology

#35 Ovaries of Plant

In the plant above, the ovaries are located in the pistil. Inside the ovary, ovules and embryo sacks form.
Source: Page 614 Modern Biology

#36 Living Thing

The characteristic's for living things are the following.
Living things are made of cells.
Living things obtain and use energy
Living things grow and develop.
Living things reproduce.
Living things respond to their environment.
Living things adapt to their environment.

#37 Deuterostome

A starfish is an example of a deuterostome animal meaning it has a second mouth.

#38 Asymmetric

A sponge is asymmetric which means it has no symmetry. The other types of symmetry are the following.
Radial symmetry- body plan in which parts are organized in a circle around an axis such as a sea anemone
Bilateral- animal with two similar halves such as a squirrel.
Source: Pg 655 Modern Biology

#39 Vertebrates

All vertebrates have an endoskeleton which is sued for support. These skeletons are internal and are either composed of bones or cartilage. The picture above belongs to a shark which is in the chondrichthyes class. Their skeleton is made of cartilage.
Source: Pg 779 Modern Biology

#40 Protein

Ribosomes are responsible for building proteins. Ribosomes are either attached to the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum in a cell or free and they play a role in protein synthesis. The ribosomes in the diagram of the cell are the little red dots.
Source: Page 80 Modern Biology